With the help of Solar Studios, we built three digital in-person exhibitions based on a year of coding and text analysis.
The final exhibit is open to the public from 5/21/21-6/21/21
Hours: 10am-6pm on Mon-Fri
12pm-4pm Sat-Sun
Tour the PULSES | PROCESSING exhibit with Dr. Lan A. Li (8:37)
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Planning & Coding
Dr. Tristan Revells and Josh Harper reviewing potential Processing code to use for reading pulses. 2/11/21
Dr. James Clifton workshopping video draft of a close reading Du Halde excerpt on Pulses in an Old Man. 2/11/21
Lily Weeks workshopping a video of a close reading of Du Halde excerpt on death pulses. 2/11/21
Dr. James Clifton surprising the group with his homemade stethoscope to record his heart beating in Pulses in an Old Man video 2/11/21
Dr. James Clifton demonstrating the use of his homemade stethoscope 2/11/21
Actual Building of the Exhibit
Location walk-through at Solar Studios 4/3/21
Lily Weeks studying the container doors 4/3/21
Dr. Tianna Uchacz and Josh Harper installing a projector for a looping video exhibit 5/15/21
Determining distance from the wall for installing the projector 5/15/21
Lily Weeks installing a project mount 5/15/21
Dr. James Clifton and Dr. Tess Clifton creating a bench 5/15/21
Dr. Lan Li ironing black out curtains 5/20/21
Dr. Lan Li patching walls & triaging with Josh Harper & Lily Weeks 5/20/21
Redesigned wall for looping video projection 5/20/21
5/21 Soft Launch
Viewer #001 (Ben) experiencing full exhibit 5/21/21
The introductory didactic to the looping video exhibit “Pulses Performed” explaining the background to the selection of the text 5/21/21
Dr. Yael Loewenstein entering the looping vide exhibit “Pulses Performed” 5/21/21
Dr. Yael Loewenstein viewing one of the three looping videos in “Pulses Performed” 5/21/21
Associated text for the three looping videos in “Pulses Performed” including Pulses in an Old Man (James Clifton), Pan Manru’s Spleen (Lan Li) and Deathly Pulses (Lily Weeks) 5/21/21
Closeup of James Cliton’s selected text from Pulses in an Old Man 5/21/21
Closeup of Lily Week’s selected text for Deathly Pulses 5/21/21
Entry didactic for the interactive Processing exhibit Waiting for Pulse by Dr. Tristan Revells and Josh Harper 5/21/21
Last touches on setting up Waiting for Pulse exhibit 5/21/21
Final touches for Waiting for Pulse exhibit following user feedback 5/21/21
Dr. Yael Loewenstein taking her pulse reading in Waiting for Pulse and receiving a response to pulses associated with her kidney and bladder 5/21/21
Josh Harper posing in front of Shireen Hamza’s text “What you Feel” designed by Lily Weeks with instructions on feeling for the pulse and its accompanying audio 5/21/21
Josh, Lily, and Isabelle celebrating soft launch 5/21/21
James, Lily, Lan, and Josh celebrating soft launch 5/21/21
Image of comment section inviting viewers to reflect on their experience 5/21/21
Initial comments from participants reflecting on the visualizations 5/21/21
Tian-Tian, Alicia, and Zhou Zhou taking each other’s pulses.
Tian-Tian taking Shah’s pulse on the left hand, cun position.
Zhou Zhou, Alicia, and Tian-Tian observing Deathly Complexions video in Room 2.
Pulse sensor waiting for pulse.
Moiz, Shah, Danyal, and Aysel arrive with pulses and an Apple watch.
Danyal Rizvi with the awaiting sensor.
Tianna Uchacz at Solar Studios.